Hire-Train-Deploy Solutions


Discover the Benefits and Features of Hire-Train-Deploy

Hire Train Deploy Model
Hire-Train-Deploy is a comprehensive service for organizations seeking trained and skilled talent. The model envisages an end-to-end solution; hiring of appropriate candidates, training for skills or job roles and deployment at the organization. TeamLease EdTech’s partnership with premium universities ensures availability of a large graduating (post graduating) student
base who are screened, trained and deployed in their respective roles. With a large pool of experienced trainers, TeamLease EdTech makes sure that the students are production-ready before they join. This ensures a seamless deployment process and enables organizations to meet their talent requirements efficiently.
Hire-Train-Deploy is a comprehensive service for organizations seeking trained and skilled talent. The model envisages an end-to-end solution; hiring of appropriate candidates, training for skills or job roles and deployment at the organization. TeamLease EdTech’s partnership with premium universities ensures availability of a large graduating (post graduating) student base who are screened, trained and deployed in their respective roles.

With a large pool of experienced trainers, TeamLease EdTech makes sure that the students are production-ready before they join. This ensures a seamless deployment process and enables organizations to meet their talent requirements efficiently.

How HTD Works


We understand the specific job roles and scope the skill requirements .


We screen and hire the candidate that can be trained for the skill requirements.


The identified talent goes through a specially curated training program to fill the skill gaps and build competencies critical for the job role. 


The training process and the progress are closely monitored by our experienced trainers using our learning management platform.


We help monitor the performance of the new hires post deployment to ensure they are settling into their roles and meeting the organisation’s expectations.

Discover the Benefits and Features of Hire-Train-Deploy


Customized Hiring and Training

Organizations can customize the hiring and training process to meet their specific needs.



By outsourcing the hiring and training process to TeamLease EdTech, organizations can save time and resources associated with talent acquisition and onboarding.


Reduced Time-to-Productivity

Since the talent is trained for specific job roles, they can hit the ground running and be productive in good time. This helps organizations achieve their productivity goals faster.


Improved Retention

By providing customized training and support, the Hire-Train-Deploy model helps organizations improve the retention of their employees. The new hires are more likely to stay with the organization if they feel supported and valued.


Increased Agility

The Hire-Train-Deploy model helps organizations become more agile by providing them with the talent they need, when they need it. This enables organizations to respond to changing market conditions and stay ahead of the competition.

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